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Herniated Disc In Neck: Settlement $300,000Our client was traveling down a road approaching a sharp right hand curve at the same time a tractor trailer was traveling on the same road in the opposite direction. As the tractor trailer turned left at the curve, the trailer portion of the rig was brought into our clients travel lane causing a collision. This case was fought in court for approximately 18 months before the trucking company agreed to settle.
Hearing Loss: Settlement $250,000Our client was struck from behind by an 18 wheeler. The impact caused him to hit his head on the headrest of his car. Our client began to experience hearing loss in his right ear. The trucking company disputed that his hearing loss was not caused by the accident. This case was litigated in court and ultimately settled shortly before trial.
Massachusetts’ Realtor Receives $225,000 Settlement After Motorcycle Accident in Revere$225,000
Skull Fracture And Post Traumatic Stress: Settlement $210,000Our client was a 19yr old woman who was a passenger in a Honda Civic. The vehicle she was in was struck from behind by a tow truck traveling at a high rate of speed. The rear seat passenger of the car she was in unfortunately died in the fiery wreck which our client had to witness. Our client’s physical injuries healed rather quickly but she was left with significant emotional issues.
Fractured Foot And Tibia: Settlement $120,000Our client had insufficient time to avoid the truck or take evasive action and slammed into the rear of the truck. To say the case was hotly contested would be an understatement.
$120,000 Settlement AFTER an Insurance Company Said Our Client was ‘At Fault’ For a Boston Car Accident$120,000 Settlement