Our Premises Liability Case Results
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$5 Million Verdict for Spada Law Client Severely Burned in His Condo Shower
Serious Foot Burn: Settlement $250,000
Our client was a commercial kitchen cleaner who slipped while cleaning a hood causing his foot to be submerged in scalding vegetable oil in the fryolator. He suffered 3rd-degree burns requiring skin grafting.
Client Loses Finger in Table Saw Accident. Homeowner Liable. Settlement $250,000
Our client was a 63-year-old retired man who was using a table saw to cut wood for a hobby project in a private residence when the owner of the residence inadvertently leaned on the edge of the table saw, causing it to flare upwards, bringing the saw blade into contact with the client’s left hand. Case settled for $250,000
2nd Degree Burns On Arm: Settlement $150,000
Our client was seriously injured while attending a house party. Numerous city ordinances and local laws were violated that evening by the homeowner.
Ankle Fracture: Settlement $150,000
Our client was a tenant in a triple decker. She fell down a flight of stairs and fractured her ankle. The stairway in question was required to have handrails pursuant to The Massachusetts Sanitary Code. As such it was our position that by violating the Sanitary Code, the landlord ran afoul of the Implied Warranty of Habitability which protects all Massachusetts tenants. Under this scenario it was likely that the landlord would have been held strictly liable to our client for her injuries.
Burns On Toddlers Feet: Settlement $90,000
A manhole cover was extremely overheated due to a steam malfunction below ground. The child’s feet were severely burned as a result and she required medical attention. She made a full recovery.
Serious Back Injury: Amount Of Award $80,000
Due to the dark and unsafe condition of the land our client fell off a mound of dirt during his call and seriously injured his back. The case was tried to a conclusion as the owner did not want to settle.