Signs of Summer: Motorcycles, Jet Ski’s and ATVs

Motorcycles, Jet Ski’s and All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are a whole lot of fun during summer. They give you that adrenalin rush and excitement that you can’t get when driving a car. However, you are more susceptible to serious injuries riding a motorcycle or driving an ATV than when driving a vehicle. This is because they are less stable on the road and have high-performance capabilities.

According to IIHS per mile traveled in 2015 the number of motorcycle deaths was nearly 29 times that of cars. Though ATVs are not designed for highway use in recent years, there have been more than 300 ATV highway deaths. According to a study by Johns Hopkins research, ATV riders are more likely to sustain serious injuries or even die from accidents. This is partly because ATV riders wear helmets less often.

What are the common causes of Motorcycle accidents?

What are the common causes of ATV accidents?

  1. Reckless driving. Many ATV drivers want to show off their skills by performing stunts. This includes speeding, taking hands off the steering, popping wheelies which easily leads to loss of control.
  2. Riding under the influence. Just because you are not driving on the highway doesn’t mean you can drink and drive. Use of alcohol and other drugs interferes with your reaction time and judgment.
  3. Riding on paved roads and highways. Though ATVs are vehicles; driving them on the road is quite unsafe. These vehicles lack the safety and protective measures that cars offer. It is quite easy for a car or a truck to bump into an ATV when switching lanes.
  4. Underage riders driving adult-sized ATVs. Handling an ATV manufactured for an adult rider on a bumpy trail requires a lot of physical strength, coordination and experience. Underage persons riding adult-sized ATVs are exposed to greater danger because they may be unable to maintain balance and control or due to their small size be unable to reach the controls.
  5. Lack of ATV maintenance.

ATVs are driven in some of the harshest conditions. Every bump, hard steering and acceleration contributes to wear and tear of vital components on the ATV. ATV steering and suspension components are prone to failure due to the driving intensity. It is critical that your ATV is frequently inspected and maintained. Motorcycle, ATV, and Jet Ski Injuries can be prevented.

Head Injuries: Though helmets are mandatory with Motorcycle/ATV use. Users are susceptible to traumatic brain injuries and concussions. In more severe cases head injuries can be fatal and even lead to paralysis.

Neck Injuries: Motorcycle, ATV and Jet Ski crashes can cause cervical spine fractures and herniated discs. This can cause temporary or permanent pain and discomfort.

Bone fractures: Severe impact can result in bone fractures and breaks.

Internal OrgansIn extreme situations, you may be thrown off, run over, or toppled this can result in serious internal injuries.

Death: Motorcycle, ATV, and Jet Ski accidents can easily result in death. You may think that an ATV is much safer than a motorcycle but according to public health researchers, people are by far more likely to die in ATV accidents.

What are the general safety guidelines for ATVs, Jet Ski’s and Motorcycles

  • Get relevant training and certification
  • Never drink alcohol or use drugs when riding
  • Don’t pull stunts
  • Don’t drive at night since this makes it hard for you to see or be seen by others
  • Perform an inspection on your machine before use

If you have been involved in a motorcycle, jet-ski, or ATV accident remember you may need legal counsel. Here at the Spada Law Group we sincerely hope you never need us, but if you do we would be happy to discuss your case. We have been helping injured people get their lives back together for over 20 years.

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