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The Dangers Of Black Ice In Parking Lots: Peabody Slip And Fall Injury Attorney ExplainsHave you ever had a slip and fall injury on black ice? Peabody Injury attorney explains the dangers of black ice and how building owners should keep you safe
What Happens If You Are Injured Because Of The Negligence Of A Charitable Or Nonprofit Organization?Injured due to negligence of a nonprofit or a charity in Massachusetts? If you don't hire a skilled injury lawyer, you could lose out big on your settlement.
What Every Renter and Landlord Needs to Know About Their Snow Removal Obligations in East BostonWhat are the Snow Removal Rules in Boston and Massachusetts for Renters and Landlords? Learn renter, landlord and homeowner snow and ice removal obligations.
What Happens if I'm Involved in an Accident While I'm Traveling Out-of-State? Massachusetts Injury Lawyer ExplainsInjured on vacation? Massachusetts Injury lawyer shares how people can get compensated after being injured while traveling out of state for vacation or business
If You Were Hurt at Work in Massachusetts, You Can’t Sue Your Company. But You May Be Able To Sue A 3rd Party, Says Boston Injury LawyerHurt at work in Massachusetts? You can't sue your company, but you might be able to sue a negligent third-party which was partially responsible for your injury
Can You Sue Your Landlord for Injuries that Happened in Your Apartment?Can You Sue Your Landlord for Injuries that Happened in Your Apartment? If so, how? Find out here.
I Signed a Waiver and then I Got Hurt. Can I Sue?Under Massachusetts law, signing such waivers generally (and I stress the word generally), precludes somebody from pursuing an ordinary negligence claim.
Car Accidents and Umbrella Insurance: Don’t Have One Without the OtherAn umbrella policy is insurance coverage over and above what your auto and homeowner’s insurance policies provide. It's cheap and can save you from disaster.
How to Determine Eligibility of Benefits If You Contracted COVID-19 While at WorkLen Spada answers the question "If You Believe You Contracted the Corona Virus While Working Can You Collect Worker’s Compensation Benefits in Massachusetts?"
Are you a homeowner? Make sure your handrails are up to code.In Massachusetts, the State Building Code spells out in great detail the requirements of handrails.
Safety Tips When Hosting Large Parties at Your Home This SummerBarbecues and outdoor get-togethers are some of the most common and enjoyable summer events. They are where a large number of accidents occur.