Our Bicycle Accident Blog
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Falling for Fall Leaves?: Bad News for Autumn Cyclists in Massachusetts
Fall is a great time to cycle in Massachusetts. Riding under multi-colored autumn leaves is beautiful, but fallen wet leaves pose serious dangers for cyclists.
When Should I Replace My Bike Helmet?: Learn From A Massachusetts Bike Injury Lawyer
There's a lot to keep in mind when considering bike safety in Boston and the state of Massachusetts. One important factor is your gear, especially your helmet.
Boston is Making Roads Safer for Cyclists, says Massachusetts Bike Injury Attorney
Boston committed to eliminating severe & deadly bike crashes by 2030. Learn the 5 most dangerous intersections for cyclists and the plans for better bike lanes
How To Avoid A Collision With A Bicyclist: Boston Injury Lawyer Shares How Drivers Can Help Keep New Bikers Safe
How can drivers help keep cyclists safe in Massachusetts? Boston Injury lawyer says drivers need to LOOK for cyclists, especially as cycling grows in popularity
Boston Bicycle Accident Lawyer Shares Common Massachusetts Bike Injuries
Bicycle Accident Lawyer Shares Common Massachusetts Bike Injuries. Cyclist & Driver awareness can help reduce the risk of bike accidents in the Boston area
Bicycle Accident Attorney Shares Bike Safety Tips for Boston Commuter Cyclists
Our experienced bicycle accident Attorney share a resource with top bike safety tips for commuter cyclists in Massachusetts
Massachusetts Bike Laws & Rights You Need to Know: Bike Injury Lawyer Shares
As a Massachusett cyclist, you have a number of rights. Boston Bike injury lawyer shares rights, laws & responsibilities cyclists should know in Massachusetts
Do You Have Bicycle Insurance? Three Types You Should Consider This Riding Season
Did you know you can get bike insurance in Massachusetts? Boston bike injury lawyer shares 3 types of bike insurance you should consider if you bike or cycle
Increased Gas Prices Lead To Biggest Spike In Bike Sales Since the 2008 Recession
As gas prices soar in Massachusetts and the nation, people are looking for cheaper ways to get around - such as biking. As bike sales boom, know these tips.
E-Bikes in Boston: Pros, Cons & Massachusetts’ Laws from a Bike Accident Lawyer
What are the pros & cons of E-bikes in Boston? Massachusetts bike accident attorney shares benefits of E-bikes, risks of E-bikes, and Massachusetts state laws
Three Cheers for 3 Feet: Gov. Baker Proposes Road Safety Laws to Better Protect Massachusetts Cyclists
New Massachusetts laws make it safer for road cyclists throughout the entire state. For one, cyclists are given 3 feet for safety says Boston bike injury lawyer
Get Your Bike Ready for Spring Riding!!
Here are some of the steps I take to get my bike ready each season and avoid any accidents that may otherwise be caused due to my own negligence.